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Application Note 273

Creating a USB Data Logger Application using Middleware and CMSIS

With the availability of powerful microcontrollers, software development has become more complex over the years. The use of real-time operating systems is rapidly becoming an industry standard, and integration of commercial middleware as well as reuse of custom libraries is gaining importance for cost-efficient software engineering. Successfully combining these building blocks of a modern embedded application often poses a problem for developers. To resolve this, ARM developed the Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS).

This application note explains, step-by-step, how to setup, debug and run a CMSIS-compliant application using CMSIS-RTOS RTX and the USB component of the middleware shipping with MDK Professional.

This application note requires that version 5.14 or later of the MDK Professional development kit is installed on your PC, along with version 2.2.0 or later of the Infineon.XMC4000_DFP software pack.

Application Note

APNT_273.PDF (970K)
Thursday, May 21, 2015

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< 5 Minutes: 56Kb Modem
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Example Code

APNT_273.ZIP (244K)
Thursday, May 21, 2015

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< 1 Minutes: 56Kb Modem
< 28 Seconds: 128Kb ISDN
< 10 Seconds: T1/Broadband

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