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MDK Middleware

Learning Platform

Microcontrollers offer a wide range of interfaces to meet today's embedded design requirements. However, implementing applications that efficiently utilize these interfaces presents software developers with real challenges. Flexible and easy-to-use middleware components are essential to unleash the power of communication and interface peripherals in modern microcontrollers.

Available Middleware Components

The MDK Professional Edition provides royalty-free, tightly-coupled middleware components that are specifically designed for communication peripherals in microcontrollers. The Middleware Software Pack includes:

  • Network Component: services, protocol sockets, and physical communication interfaces for creating TCP/IP networking applications. It supports IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack networking and can be used by ARM's mbed TLS to provide secure communication using SSL/TLS.
  • USB Component: USB Device and USB Host communication using standard USB device classes.
  • File System Component: create, save, read, and modify files in storage devices such as RAM, Flash, SD/SDHC/MMC memory cards, or USB memory devices.
  • Graphics Component: flexible graphical user interface (GUI) for LCD displays.

Notes Note

  • The middleware described above is provided as part of the MDK-Professional Edition in binary format. It is not included with other MDK-ARM Editions. Source code of the middleware is available as separate product.
  • MDK Middleware uses the CMSIS-Driver interface. Drivers are available for a wide range of device families. Please check for availability of those drivers in the Device Database, ask the device vendor or contact ARM support.

Middleware Application Templates


This video introduces four example projects that show the usage of MDK Middleware in an application. Although each project is available for a certain development board only, it is an easy task to migrate it to one of the other boards as well (if the hardware requirements are met).

Click on the examples below for detailed workbooks with step-by-step instructions:

Touch Screen Display


Output a text file from a USB memory stick.

Data Acquisition


Show live sensor data on a web interface using latest web technologies.

Audio Recorder


Use a MicroSD card to store audio tracks. Control the audio recording and playback with a web interface.

Data Logger


Record digital and analogue inputs and read data via USB device interface.

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