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Application Note 221

Using CMSIS-DSP Algorithms with RTX

This Application Note describes the development of a digital filter for an analog input signal using the CMSIS-DSP Library and the RTX-RTOS. The application, designed for an NXP LPC1768 device, can be tested with the µVision Simulator and the Logic Analyzer.

The CMSIS-DSP Library offers a common set of DSP algorithms. Due to the CMSIS layer, the application can be ported easily to other Cortex-M3 or Cortex-M4 processor-based devices. Developers can focus on the application design and requirements, without needing to implement their own, basic DSP algorithms.

Application Note

APNT_221.PDF (420K)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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< 2 Minutes: 56Kb Modem
< 48 Seconds: 128Kb ISDN
< 10 Seconds: T1/Broadband

Example Code

APNT_221_CODE.ZIP (2,553K)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Estimated File Download Time:
< 11 Minutes: 56Kb Modem
< 5 Minutes: 128Kb ISDN
< 24 Seconds: T1/Broadband

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