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Application Note 229

uVision Lab for the Atmel SAM3X

This hands-on lab demonstrates various examples with the SAM3X Cortex-M3 processor and Keil uVision. The Keil Blinky examples with LCD and with Keil RTX RTOS are included with your MDK-ARM installation. The DSP example may be downloaded from this web page using the link below. All examples are compliant to Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS v2.0). Serial Wire Viewer trace, memory reads and writes and the RTX Kernel Awareness Viewer are shown.

An Atmel SAM3X-EK board and either ULINK2, ULINKpro, SAM-ICE or J-Link are needed.

For more information regarding these files, see APNT_229.PDF (a.k.a. SAM3X-EK_LAB.PDF).

Application Note

APNT_229.PDF (1,455K)
Friday, July 20, 2012

Estimated File Download Time:
< 7 Minutes: 56Kb Modem
< 3 Minutes: 128Kb ISDN
< 13 Seconds: T1/Broadband

Example Code

Friday, July 20, 2012

Estimated File Download Time:
< 20 Seconds: 56Kb Modem
< 10 Seconds: 128Kb ISDN
< 10 Seconds: T1/Broadband

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