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Application Note 208

Keil uVision and Actel SmartFusion

This application note describes how to use the Keil Development Tools with the Cortex-M3 processor-based SmartFusion family of devices. It also demonstrates the use of Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) debug technology available on Cortex-M processors, which is fully supported by the Keil MDK-ARM (Microcontroller Development Kit).

The mss_101.stp and the Webserver_A2F500.stp files below may be downloaded for re-programming the Microsemi (Actel) SmartFusion FPGA Flash.

The DSP project demonstrates digital signal processing. It is a RTX Kernel based example for the Microsemi SmartFusion A2F200 and A2F500 microcontrollers using Microsemi A2F-EVAL-KIT, A2F-EVAL-KIT Rev 2 and A2F-DEV-KIT Evaluation Boards.

All software is compliant to Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS v2.0).

For more information regarding these files, see APNT208.PDF.

For information about SmartFusion2, see Application Note 238

Application Note

APNT208.PDF (2,168K)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

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< 10 Minutes: 56Kb Modem
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Example Code

MSS_101.STP (199K)
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Estimated File Download Time:
< 52 Seconds: 56Kb Modem
< 22 Seconds: 128Kb ISDN
< 10 Seconds: T1/Broadband
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Estimated File Download Time:
< 58 Seconds: 56Kb Modem
< 25 Seconds: 128Kb ISDN
< 10 Seconds: T1/Broadband
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

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< 20 Seconds: 56Kb Modem
< 10 Seconds: 128Kb ISDN
< 10 Seconds: T1/Broadband

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